The Bioethics Bulletin,
Vol 3, Issue 1
Today, the term almost has the opposite meaning! In sport, a professional is one who makes his living from the sport, that is does it for money; whereas an amateur is one who is in it for the joy. We have an article that traces the connection between Hippocratic tradition of Medicine and professionalism which highlights some of the strengths of “profession”. Sadly, the Corporate world is increasingly marketing Medicine as a consumer product and the relationship between a doctor and patient as a contract. What can make us go beyond this mindset? Read on to see. What makes profession unique is the relationship. In the articles we are providing you will find numerous qualities illustrated that are important in a physician. As you read you will notice that character traits of a physician are paramount and nothing can replace the place of a virtuous physician in restoring the profession of Medicine to its long held position as the noblest of them all…
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