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Abstract – The therapeutic nature of the nurse-patient relationship is grounded in an ethic of caring. Florence Nightingale envisioned nursing as an art and a science…a blending of humanistic, caring presence with evidence-based knowledge and exquisite skill.

BACKGROUND: Research suggests that patients’ end-of-life (EOL) care is determined primarily by the medical resources available, and not by patient preferences. The authors examined whether patients’ desire for life-extending therapy was associated with their EOL care.

Over the past few years, China has witnessed a surge in violence against medical personnel, including widely reported incidents of violent abuse, riots, attacks, and protests in hospitals, where doctors suffer from heavy workloads and little protection.

Abstract – The therapeutic nature of the nurse-patient relationship is grounded in an ethic of caring. Florence Nightingale envisioned nursing as an art and a science…a blending of humanistic, caring presence with evidence-based knowledge and exquisite skill.

Initiated in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, a range ofnew techniques and delivery processes have been developed that functionally change access to clinical care, and significantly challenge governance of information associated with these services. Many countries have overarching privacy legislation in place for protection of personal and patient information, but sudden and rapid changes to services